Concept: SGIN

Increasingly, more websites are now designed with a mobile-first approach to cater to changing consumer habits. This was the primary approach adopted for this website, ensuring that content and design are both optimised for mobile viewing.

Roboto Regular

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Roboto Bold

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


Light or Dark - Your Choice

An added feature is the dark mode setting, which allows users to easily change the website’s background colour from white to black in one simple toggle. This is also available in mobile view.

Colours, Colours, Colours

“Kolam” which means “beauty” is a floor drawing made from coloured flour, and is used for ornamental or ceremonial design during traditional Indian festivities. As a tribute to the Indian community in Singapore, the team incorporated hints of “Kolam” with its vibrant colours as background elements to achieve an overall aesthetical but functional design.